Sin respuesta

Clemencia Echeverri
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2009
Publisher: Panamericana Formas e impresos S.A.

ISBN: 978-958-719-203-2

Pages: 152

Unanswered is a book that examines the hesitant process of creation when it occurs during times of difficulty and horror. It is a process that starts from the everyday experiences regarding the traumatic dislocation of culture and the attempt to translate into audiovisual art the effort at remembering.
This text has been possible thanks to the support of the Cultural Divulgation Office, directed by María Belén Sáez de Ibarra, and the Instituto Taller de Creación, directed by Gustavo Zalamea, Facultad de Artes Universidad Nacional de Colombia. I am most grateful for the intellectual generosity of the art critics and researchers María Belén Sáez de Ibarra, Gustavo Chirolla, María Victoria Uribe, Marta Rodríguez, José Ignacio Roca, Piedad Bonnett, and Gustavo Gómez.
Since 1996 my art work has been kindly supported by fellowships of The Arts Council, London;
The Daniel Langlois Foundation, Canadá; The Instituto Distrital de Cultura, Bogota; The Minis-terio de Cultura, Colombia; the División de Investigaciones de la Universidad Nacional, DIB, and the Facultad de Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.
also deeply appreciate the dissemination of my work by the Muse de Arte Moderno de Bogotá, el Museo Nacional de Colombia, el Museo de Arte de la Universidad Nacional, the Alonso Garcés Gallery, Bogotá, and the Daros-Latinamerica Collection in Switzerland.
My unbounded thanks go to artist Bárbara Santos, whose rigorous and creative design produced a unique book rooted in the structure of each work.
I sincerely value the team that has participated in the development of this project: Boris Terán, Diego León, Daniel Prieto, Freddy Arias, Pierre Heron, Gustavo Fernández, Nicolás Guarín, Susana Montoya, Jesús María Amaya, Andrés Guzmán, Marta Patricia Niño, Piedad Montoya, Mauricio Beltrán, Oscar Moreno, Víctor Garcés; and Benjamín Villegas for distribution of the book in collaboration with the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
During the realization of the artwork I bring together in this book, I have been inspired, moved, and supported by the special company of artists, scholars, and friends, Miguel Angel Rojas, Antanas Mockus, Trixi Allina, Humberto Giangrandi, Rolf Abderhalden, Cecilia María Vélez, Natalia Gutiérrez, María Tabares, Reinaldo Annichiarico, Ana María Rueda, Marianne Ponsford, Daniel Winograd, Carmen María Jaramillo, Alvaro Marín, Jaime Cerón, Eduardo Peláez, Jorge Jaramillo, Patricia Gómez, Eduardo Serrano, Ana Patricia Palacios, Himelda Ramírez, Carlos Gaviria, Ana María Lozano, and Consuelo Gaitán.
Finally, my deepest thanks to my family, who have supported me with unquestioning love and patience, particularly Luís Echeverri, Isaac Dyner, Pablo Echeverri, Tulio Rabinovich, Marco Echeverri, Rebeca Dyner, Camilo Echeverri, and Alejandro Arizmendi.


Clemencia Echeverri